
World Boss - Nine Tails Invasion Guide

Nine Tails Invasion Guide

So the ranking on this event is based on "damage done" meaning for this event I recommend having a good DPS lineup that hits that beast hard. If playing f2p (Like myself) using all bonuses that are provided to you in the event Anbu Support and Kage Support is worth a total of 30 Coupons and 30,000 Coins. This event is scheduled for 20:10-21:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.

Damage Bonuses in the MMorpg Naruto

You'll get 2 *Free* options to have bonus damage, each of those 2 options you can purchase them 3 times to increase the bonus. The 2 options are Anbu Support and Kage Support. Upgrading the support from 0 to max from Anbu is worth 30k Coins and for 0 to max on Kage Support is worth 30 coupons. Then there's an option to get a more damage bonus but that's only if you have a medal. Depending your medal I believe you get a greater damage bonus, the highest bonus would be gained from the Jonin medal.

Nine Tail Invasion Ranking Strategy
When fighting the 9 Tails like stated before it's best for you to put the speed at x2 if you are looking forward to being in the rankings and have used the bonuses stated before. Making sure to have the best possible DPS (Damage per second) lineup you can have. Since most servers are new it's normal for one to die fast, usually you would die upon reaching round 4+. When dying you have to wait around 20-24 seconds, but those that choose to be in the ranking depending on the competition if it's intense, it's recommended to pay 3 coupons or ingots to be revived quickly and not have to wait the spawn time. (only if you truly desire to be on the rankings, I personally do not recommend to use ingots at all for this event)

MMorpg Game Rewards
You will get in the end coupons/experience and would get additional coupons and xp based on damage done and if you made it to the top 15 you will get a title which can be the following, #1 Konoha's Savior, #2-3 Konoha's Hero, #4-15 Konoha's Martyr

The methods to getting a spot on the rankings are straight forward but are worth coins and coupons as well as the other bonus is you activating your medal which is only gained through $$ paying real money. Everyone that gets on the rankings usually does everything stated on here although the usage of coupons and coins would not balance out at the end as the reward is not so great and you'll end up losing more than what you earn, I don't recommend spending coupons/coins on this event unless you want the title. (And you only get to hold the title till the next Invasion event then it'd be re-distributed again).

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